Here’s a harsh reality:
We appreciate the people in our lives most when it’s too late. When we can no longer take them out to dinner… or call and ask for advice… or tell them we love them.
The good news? It doesn’t have to be that way.
Jake Muise (the founder of Maui Nui) was recently interviewed on The Tim Ferriss Show.
He shared a brilliant technique that his wife, Kuʻulani uses every time their kids are being “monsters.” (His words, not mine.) 😂
Here’s how it works:
Step 1.
Whenever you’re feeling frustrated with a loved one, close your eyes.
Imagine that you’re 90 years old.
Picture your life vividly— in extreme detail. Imagine waking up in the morning and looking down at your aged hands.
Your kids are grown up and have their own families. Your parents are gone. Your health is declining. You can no longer move your body with ease. Your partner’s health is declining.
Step 2.
Now imagine that you’ve been given one chance to use a time machine.
But you’re only allowed to go back to this exact moment. This exact age. In the exact place you’re reading this. With the exact people who are currently in your life.
And you can only stay in it for 10 minutes.
Step 3.
Open your eyes as your 90-year-old self who has just traveled back in time. Look around.
If your imagination was vivid enough, it's impossible to take that person who annoyed you for granted when you open your eyes.
You’ll be in a deep place of gratitude—which will quickly put into perspective whatever upset you in the first place.
As Jake describes it— when wife does this, she “has ten minutes to be this old lady looking at her nine-year-old daughter again after she’s grown up.”
This technique works on everyone— parents, siblings, friends, grandparents, spouses. When you’re 90, what would you give to spend just 10 minutes with them at your current age again? How would you treat them differently?
And if we take it one step further… how would you treat yourself differently? What choices would you make? Which habits would you start? Sleeping better, maybe?
There’s nothing more powerful than that first moment when you open your eyes, and realize that it’s not too late.
You still can.
(I highly recommend listening to the full podcast episode. Jake is an incredible storyteller.)
Until next week,
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