Welcome to The Quiet Rich, your weekly newsletter with proven methods for a quiet mind and a rich life. Today, I’m taking a moment to celebrate a milestone (because if you’re anything like me, you rarely stop to appreciate your achievements before rushing into the next one).
Two cool things happened to me in the last few days.
1) I had a full feature written about me in Business Insider.
2) I crossed 400,000 followers on LinkedIn.
And honestly? I barely stopped to appreciate either one of them. I rarely celebrate my wins, because there’s always more to be done. More people I can help. More ways I can unlock my potential. I’m always chasing the thing that I haven’t achieved yet.
But I’m trying to change that, because “younger Jade” truly wouldn’t believe where I’m at today. People often ask me how long ago I started posting online.
Honestly? 2 years. That’s it.
In 2023, I had about 1,000 LinkedIn followers and a ton of imposter syndrome. I truly never imagined that in such a short time, I would:
- Rank #1 productivity creator and #1 female LinkedIn creator worldwide
- Personally coach 400+ of the fastest-growing accounts on LinkedIn
- Launch The Quiet Rich newsletter, which has 170,000+ subscribers
- Get featured in publications like Forbes and Business Insider
- Land a TEDx Talk (which I gave internationally in November)
- Grow from 0 to 150k followers on Instagram in 18 months
- Get approached by the world’s largest book publishers
- Receive daily invitations to speak on huge podcasts
- Forge friendships with thought leaders I so admire
- Get quoted on Instagram by Will Smith 🤯
- All while thriving in my career at Google
A LOT can happen in 2 years, my friends. You are capable of so much more than you think.
And I want to take a moment to thank every single one of you from the bottom of my heart. Your support (by simply reading this newsletter) means more to me than you’ll ever know.
There has never been a better time to grow your brand online. It will open doors that you didn’t even know were possible.
If I started on LinkedIn right now with 0 followers, here are 3 things I would tell myself:
1) You’re never going to feel 100% “ready.”
Just start. Start writing. Start posting. There’s someone far less qualified than you who’s currently living your dream life— simply because they got started.
2) Decide what you’re in this for.
You don’t just want followers. (Trust me.) You want a thriving business with an endless pipeline of new leads. You want to land paid speaking gigs. You want to write a bestselling book. You want to fill all your coaching spots. THOSE are the metrics to optimize for.
3) Learn from someone whose content you love.
When most people start posting on social media, they assume they'll “figure it all out themselves.” How hard could it be to post, right? But you might not get the results you wanted... and I can help.
I teamed up with Ben Meer to teach you our proven system. Join our private coaching community to find out exactly how I grew on Linkedin from 1k - 400k in 2 years. Our system has worked for hundreds of happy alumni. (Read their reviews.)
You could spend years trying to figure out how to go viral on your own. Or you could learn it in a few hours of coaching with us. And here’s the thing… If given the choice to “pay” in money or in time? I’d always choose to save my time.
Our next cohort starts next week. We’ve been running Archimedes for 15 months and we have sold out every single time.
- Apply by TOMORROW March 4th at 10pm EST. (It only takes 3 mins.)
- Already got approved? Congrats! Make sure you check out by this FRIDAY March 7th at 10pm EST at the link in your email invitation.
I can’t wait to meet you next week.
Take a moment today. What’s a recent milestone you hit? Did you properly celebrate it? Really?
I know you have big dreams for yourself. But don’t forget to stop and appreciate how far you’ve already come. Your younger self would be astonished by the life you have now—and the life that awaits you.
Much love,